Hey there, 

Nicole here! 

I found out about points and miles accidentally. 

I was researching index funds and happened upon the points and miles community through creators who also post about budgets, financial independence, and investing. 

Points and miles allowed those people to travel and work toward financial independence simultaneously. 

Thank goodness I got started when I did. The past almost two years of travel have been something we will never forget. 

Earning points and miles through credit cards is only a good choice if you have the financial discipline to use them, like cash/debit cards. 

Since we started traveling with points, we have had more money going into our investment and savings accounts than ever.

Now I'm excited to teach you! 

Follow Points and Miles Teachers on Instagram and check out all of the FREE content. 

If you are able to do these 3 things, we can't wait to work with you!  

Opening credit cards for points and miles won't ruin your credit score. It can increase your credit score.

Do you know what does ruin your credit score? Spending beyond your means and then not paying your bill in full and on time EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

Follow these three steps to maintain a healthy credit score.

1) Stick to your budget. No vacation is worth being in debt. 

2) Pay your credit card bills off monthly on time and IN FULL. If you pay interest on your credit card, then these points aren't free. They are very expensive!

3) We all get busy, and things can slip our minds. Set up autopay on all your cards as a backup to avoid late fees and missed payments.

See My Favorite Cards

Earn points and miles using your everyday budgeted expenses. 

Transfer your points to transfer partners to get the most bang for your points.

How to book hotel stays, vacation rentals, flights, rental cars, and pay for theme park tickets with points. 

Maximize point spending categories to keep your point banks full. 

Organize and create a strategy to meet your goals and continue to have robust credit history health. 

Nicole will teach you how to


Ready to travel the world nearly for FREE? Let me show you how!